Date and Time
Saturday Apr 2, 2022
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
April 2nd 9am - 1pm
Free Entry for all!
Contact Information
Cassi Weiss
Send Email

Visit Marshall presents the Youth Sports & Activity Expo at the Red Baron Arena & Expo in Marshall Minnesota on April 2nd, 2022, from 9am – 1pm. The event will be free to the public for kids and adults of all ages, we have asked our local activity and sports associations to come in and bring an interactive booth so kids can try new things from soccer to shooting a bow arrow. They will also have information for the upcoming summer for parents to gather more information. There will also be an area of business vendors for businesses who directly impact these associations.
Registration for Associations & Business interested: https://forms.gle/5NnHrdz4dDZ7opND9
Registered Vendors: