Date and Time
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
March 19th 10:30AM
The race will begin at the Marshall Area YMCA at 10:30 AM on the West Parking lot and conclude at Brau Brother's Brewery.
February 1- February 29: $40 REGULAR REGISTATION (Apparel Deadline: Feb. 29)
March 1- March 14: $45 LATE REGISTRATION
Packet Pick Up Information
Pick Up will be organized March 18 between 5-7pm by Last Name.
To avoid congestion of lines, participants will also be given recommended pick up times. Race packets WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE BEFORE 5 pm.
You CAN have someone pick up your packet for you if you are unable to.
Day of Check In and Pick Up will also be available.
Other Important Information
There are sweatshirts available for those who did not register before the November 5th deadline, but these will be distributed on a first-come-first-served basis.
Please tag the YMCA, and let us be able to celebrate your accomplishment together!

Be sure to join us for our annual Shamrock Shuffle 5K on March 19th! It's guaranteed to be a great time to Lap that Leprechaun!