Date and Time
Friday Apr 8, 2022
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
2nd Friday of the month from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Marshall Area YMCA, 200 S. A. Street, Marshall, MN
Contact Information
Jamie Lanners
Send Email

What is ACTive Memories Memory Cafe?
The Memory Café is a social gathering that provides a safe, supportive environment for sharing conversation in a relaxed atmosphere. It is an opportunity to visit with others who may be going through similar experiences related to memory loss, Parkinson's, MS, other chronic conditions and caregiving. The programming consists of exercise, snack, and social activity to promote healthy living. The social activity rotates monthly; the themes are music, art, education/extended learning, and reminisce.
Who can attend the Memory Café?
People with memory loss, MS, Parkinson's, disabilities of all ages, and other chronic conditions are welcome to attend the Memory Café along with their companions.
When and where does it meet?
The Memory Café meets the second Friday of each month from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. We gather in the meeting room at the Marshall Area YMCA, 201 A Street, Marshall, MN. Find the calendar here.
What is the café about?
ACTive Memories Memory Café is designed to:
*Reduce isolation
*Unite people facing similar challenges
*Create an opportunity to give and receive a deeper level of support
*Offer a sense of normalcy to an existence that often becomes focused on disease and disability
*Provide a break from normal routine
*Act as a source of ideas and information
*Provide a connection to other community support systems
Is there a cost?
There is no cost to attend. The Memory Café is made possible in part by Marshall Area Dementia Awareness Network and our partnership with the Marshall Area YMCA.