EducationMeeting Space
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Mission: To be a collaborative partner providing exceptional services, innovative solutions and proactive support.
Vision: To create a future where children, families, schools and communities learn, succeed and thrive.
Value Statements:
SWWC believes in service to others. We care about the success of those we serve and those we employ. We work to anticipate the needs of others and collaboratively implement innovative solutions.
SWWC believes integrity is the foundation of our actions. We are honest, trustworthy, transparent and ethical. We are committed to doing the right thing.
SWWC encourages sincerity. We believe in open and honest communication. We welcome everyone's contributions and ideas.
SWWC believes collaboration aids innovation and creativity, improving our ability to provide exceptional services.
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317 West Main Street, Suite 2, Marshall, MN 56258 – (507) 532-4484 –